July 2009 - Mount Lafayette, White Mountains, New Hampshire

The camp (read: lake house) on Pleasant Lake was quiet and empty. The grandparents were still in Mass for the weekend, so we had the joint to ourselves for the night. After cracking a few Pabst and looking at old photos of Colin and family, we hit the hay. In the morning, we woke early, sat out on the porch, and enjoyed the view of the still lake.
We decided to take an early morning canoe/swim before we left for the mountains, so we grabbed the boat and hit the water. Landing on a small island, we took turns jumping off of rock outcrops. The air was still cool, but the water was warm and inviting, smoothly wrapping around our bodies in that way only lake water does. The morning was passing us by, so we made way for the house, packed a lunch, and got in the car.
Nick took the wheel and drove in an aggressive manner that both suits him and made Colin and me rather nervous. After speeding through the narrow pass where Lafayette and Cannon meet, we got out in the parking lot at the base of the mountain and watched an old man fishing in Echo Lake, floating on an inner tube. The parking lot was busy, but most people seemed to be opting for the arduous chair lift ride up to the summit of Mount Cannon to look down at the rubble that was once the Old Man of the Mountain (Colin joked that it would be cheaper for the state to rebuild the Old Man than change all of the state signs that feature him).
Searching for a way up Mount Lafayette, we found the Green Leaf Trail across the still highway, hidden next to the on-ramp. Heat was radiating off of the asphalt, so we were glad for the cool shade of the trees. Streams of sunlight peered through oak leaves and moths buzzed around our heads. We hiked for a long time without much talking. Past an exposed sheer rock face looking out on the valley, we entered a hemlock grove, where mountain streams trickled unseen beneath a carpet of thick moss, reminiscent of Endor. We passed no one. A bit farther on, we came to Greenleaf Hut and took our lunch, looking over Eagles Lake. A few old timers gave us gruff stares as we pulled out our phones to snap pictures--not to text gurlz, as they must have thought. Colin, feeling weary, was conflicted about pushing on. But with the summit in view, he decided to continue, Vans slip-ons and all.

We stopped again at the rock face for a pipe and watched the sun cast an orange glow on the mountains. We were close to finishing, but the highway seemed an infantile stream in the valley below. I let one more smoke ring off into the air before we picked up our packs and finished the hike in time to catch the setting sun fall behind Mount Cannon. We laid on the hot pavement for a moment, soaking up the warmth, and enjoyed the last bit of New Hampshire air before we sped away in the car, back to our trash-covered little corner of Allston.
Photo: Left to right-Colin, me and Nick on Mt. Lafayette
*Fun fact, although Mt Lafayette is in the Presidential Range, Lafayette (the man) was never actually president. Sorry Gilbert.
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